I have 2 MPPT 75/15 controllers. After changing the float voltage setting of one from 13.02V to 13.10V, it has decided it no longer wants to talk to me. VictronConnect reports "No devices found" when I plug the cable into that controller. The other controller, using the same cable, is fine.
I have a small program I wrote that can communicate with the controller. It can show TEXT protocol messages, asynchronous VE.Direct messages, and allows getting and setting of registers via VE.Direct messages. The affected controller continues to send TEXT protocol messages which look correct (I should note that the controller continues to function). I also get asynchronous messages. However, any attempts to read register values with GET, change register values with SET, get device information with PING, APPVERSION and DEVICEID messages, are met with stony silence.
I tried sending a RESTART VE.Direct message, writing to the 0x0004 (Restore default) register, and disconnecting the controller from power, but it still doesn't listen to me. Does anybody have any idea what might be happening with this controller?