
ppr avatar image
ppr asked

Use Solaredge SMI 35 with RS450


I have an array with 8 modules connected to an Solaredge Safety Monitoring Interface 35 (SMI35)
I want to connect it now to my Victron with an RS450.I know optimizers are not good or not allowed with Victron, but hooked up via SMI35 possible? Does anyone know something about it?

mppt rssolaredge
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3 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

The RS450 is designed for direct connection to PV arrays.
Any optimisers or other gadgets in-between would be an unsupported configuration and not advised.

I think I have an idea of what the SMI35 does and it says that it is for use with non-Solar Edge inverters, but there is no idea of what exactly it does and it still requires the use of module optimisers, so I would think it may cause unknown problems.

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ppr avatar image
ppr answered ·

Thank you for your answer. I know the situation about the optimizer. That is why I thought I take the Solaredge and the SMI35. So I am not directly connected to the optimizer. It is a pain for me not to have them due to damn shadow situation on that location. I try to make the best out of it and get as much as possible.
Victron is not able to tell that straight? I think it is not top notch or state of the art not supporting optimizers. I doubt that I am the only one have shadow issues and trying to make the absolut best out of it

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beat avatar image
beat answered ·

This is really a pitty, I've contacted Tigo, and they are willing to conduct interoperability testing and fixing with Victron, but it seems that Victron is not willing to. At last tests they did on theire own, Vicron MPPTs got damaged!

At least the Tigo non-MPPT devices (Safety and Monitoring) should be compatibility-tested, but TIgo warned me not to try.

@Victron Please take contact with Tigo quickly, for their next week's quarterly interoperability tests.

Also, please make a setting for minimum and maximum MPTT voltages on the RS 450/100 and 200 models at least.

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