
cwoody avatar image
cwoody asked

MPPT BMS Controlled

Hi there,

I have today installed a Victron Smart Lithium Battery with VE.BMS to my system which comprises of a Multi (24/1600/40 newer, plastic style), BMV702 and two MPPTs SmartSolar 100/20 and 100/15. I'm using an rPi as my GX device and believe I have set everything up for the Lithium, the set up is in a van so no ESS.

My question is, should my MPPTs be BMS Controlled? Because currently they are set at "No" and I can't see how to change them. Everything has the latest firmware, including the rPi.




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2 Answers
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @Cwoody,

the VE.Bus BMS cannot 'control' your MPPTs in terms of voltage or current, if that's what you are asking for. It's just not that smart.

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Sarah avatar image
Sarah answered ·

I don’t think the VE.Bus BMS can integrate directly with the MPPTs you might need to use the ATC connections on the BMS to control them. Have a look at the DVCC section of the Venus OS manual.

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