
Bill avatar image
Bill asked

Adding a BMV Shunt Board to existing shunt to use two different meters with one shunt.

I have a trimetric with a 500 amp shut and I am thinking about adding a BMV 702 just to hook up with my Venus OS to look at via VRM. I would prefer not to add a second shunt if possible, requiring another cable with lugs etc. I read somewhere that I could add the BVM board to someone else's shunt. But the question here is would both meters still work?

Thanks, Bill

BMV Battery Monitor
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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi Bigbill,

Always a bit of a risk, but yes, I think this should work.

The shunt isn't really bothered by the meters, And the BMV board is looking for the tiny calibrated voltage drop that occurs between the two sides.

You will have to take a deep breath and accept that you will forever more have two different state of charge readings (probably most accurate to take an average of the two). But that is all part of the insight that SOC is a very well educated guess at the best of times.

You'll need to make sure there is a physical connection point that is suitable, and know the specifications of your shunt to program the BMV.

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