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bmgill52 asked

IP65 12/15 Smart charger - charged amp hours

I have 100ah Lithium battery and use 240 volt IP 65 12/15 to charge. Using Blue Tooth history, shows that Charged Amp hours (in this case) show 76. My question. Is this the amount of charge that the IP65 has just added into the battery to take it up to full charge. In other words, the battery already had 24 amp hours capacity before recharging?



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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

Yes, that's pretty much correct.
Bear in mind that your battery does have a minimum SOC, maybe 10% or 20%, check the parameters of your battery.
So your battery may have been pretty close to empty before charging it up to 100% with 76Ah of energy.

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