
chriscolescvc avatar image
chriscolescvc asked

Multiplus VE.Bus Error 8/11 report page blank

Hi everyone and thanks for your help in advance. I have a brand new Multiplus 1200/50 which is bringing up the V.E.Bus error 8/11. Also installed is the Cerbo GX and touchscreen. On the touchscreen I can navigate to the fault report page but it is blank??

The unit inverts fine and shows incoming voltage on the screen, but when the charger only function is selected it clicks and seems to repeat a cycle 3 times then triggers the error code above.

My understanding is there should be information on the report page to decipher further the issues but as it is blank i cant.

I can return the unit butI just wondered if I am doing something wrong as its hard to believe something so expensive would turn up dead on arrival? I have tried it connected in to the system wired in the camper van and on a separate battery system in the workshop.

All firmwares are up to date as a note.

Thanks again for your input

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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6 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Could be the unit, could be something else. Often someone here can help, but nothing so far, sadly. You should get the dealer on the phone as first point of support.

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ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

Components unfortunately do sometimes fail. Have you set up and configured the system for the correct battery etc.?

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mito avatar image
mito answered ·

Same happens to me
Is ther any place to look for errors meaning ?



Problem was solved disconnecting CAN-Bus cable and reconnect. But this is something that cannot be solved remotely. Despite it happens once a while, it is difficult to get a better diagnosis.

Configuration is 2 x parallel MPII, plus 2 x UP5000 Pylontech CAN-Bus connect to CERBO GX

1644510595078.png (17.0 KiB)
1644510624445.png (12.1 KiB)
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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Error 8 and 11 are mostly a wiring issue at the AC output.

Disconnect all wires from the AC output and test it again. If the error is gone there is a issue wiring, if the error is still there it could be a problem with the MultiPlus.

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leszeks avatar image
leszeks answered ·

20220213-0941471.jpgHi I had the same issues with my multiplus 12/800/35 , seems to be after update , inverter work ok but charger only failing ?20220213-0901231.jpg20220213-0901531.jpg

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b67victron avatar image
b67victron answered ·

Same here...I think !!

Suddenly my Multiplus 48/5000/70 charged at a lower voltage !

From 55.2 to 53.6 volts.

Doesn't go to absorption I noticed while it is at 100%

in alarm status I get VE BUS-fout = 0

but below in screen I get VE.BUS ERROR 8/11 report but with a blank subpage.

Any help welcome cause I am a 63y old rookie . Thx

( multiplus II 48/5000/50 with seplos 48v battery , can bms connected , parallel on main , no output used )

Or could it be that a ground wire, DC side , is missing between multiplus and batt ???


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b67victron avatar image b67victron commented ·

Or could it be that a ground wire is missing between multiplus and batt ???

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