Good morning to everybody,
I'm working actually on a boat with several Victron products. this boat have 2 multiplus Victron 24V3000VA. they was supposed to be connected together but it never worked.
I tried to connect the 2 multiplus 24V 3000. the both are working fine in stand alone. the both are communicating with my computer when there is only one connected. I also have a blue power panel on this installation. one of the multiplus is working fine when connected to the blue power, the other one is flashing as soon as the blue panel is connected.
When I connect the both multiplus together, they are both flashing waiting for the computer to define the master and the slave, but the computer can't connect (first message "target found, receiving supported functions" then, after few seconds, "error during communication").
I suspect a different firmware into the both units. I tried VictronConnect but the firmware is maybe too old and I don't have any communication with one or with the other one (I tried separately).
I would like to upgrade the firmware on both units to have the same version.
The actual version seems to be 2.73 on the one which is working, for the other one, I couldn't find it. (I didn't find the way to get the firmware version from VE-Config).
I can use VE flash to upgrade the firmware but I don't know where I can download safely the last compatible version of firmware.
The version on the EPROM are respectively:
261258.VFD (this one seems to be working fine with the blue panel)
2612413.VFD (I think this one may have a compatibility issue)
I have pictures and video of the problem, if that's help... just ask.
Thank you for your help.