
dtcassist avatar image
dtcassist asked

Using excess solar power from off-grid system to feed grid?

I currently have an off-grid system setup in my garage, I'm working with ideas to gain some more from excess solar power - potentially contributing to the grid power in my house.

I have a Victron SmartSolar MPPT 150/60 charge controller. I'm curious if i can configure the load output to send power to an additional inverter to feed in to a grid? or any other ideas to utilize my excess energy when my batteries are fully charged and demand is low?

My other thought is upgrading to a multiplus-II, since this appears to have abilities to run an off grid setup with an MPPT as well as contribute to a grid (if i understand this right). I'd just rather use as much of my existing hardware as possible. Current inverter is an AIMS 6000w 240v (kind of generic, very limited on configurations)

Any ideas? Thanks!

MPPT SmartSolar
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

A long time ago I had done this by switching the array over from the MPPT to the PV Inverter via a hefty, appropriately rated, DC relay. It was most inelegant and the PV inverter would take a while to synchronise at times. I had it work on SOC from the battery monitor.
I didn't like it, it was horrid, so I dismantled it fairly soon afterwards.

Now with the MultiPlus it's much more elegant, although now I don't have surplus anymore.

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