
Aurimas Bukauskas avatar image
Aurimas Bukauskas asked

Orion Tr Smart Isolated Connection to Dual Starter Batteries


I'm connecting an Orion Tr Smart Isolated to my dual (assuming parallel) 12V starter batteries in my 2002 F-350. Does it matter which of the starter battery positive and negative terminals I connect to?

I'm assuming this should be "cross-wired": i.e. Orion positive to positive of one starter battery, Orion negative to negative of other starter battery, but I'm having trouble figuring out which battery positive goes directly to the alternator, and which is "downstream". Does it matter?

Also trying to make sense of the 2002 F-350 wiring diagrams here:



orion-tr smart
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

If you can find an unused fuse box connection that's rated for the current, I'd connect to there. Maybe have a chat to a local auto electrician, or Ford dealer. This would save a lot of time and heartache.

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