
godnesshimself avatar image
godnesshimself asked

dimming via hdmi


I installed Venus OS on your pi 3 and connected it via HDMI to a Sunfounder 10.1 display.

Is it possible that the display automatically turns off or dims?

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5 Answers
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @GodnessHimself,

I doubt it will work automatically because powering and control the display is slightly different compared to Victron GX Touch display. But by installing GuiMods and/or RpiDisplaySetup by @Kevin Windrem there is a very good chance.

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godnesshimself avatar image godnesshimself commented ·

Oh fuck. don't understand it :(

it is not as easy as it is described.

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godnesshimself avatar image
godnesshimself answered ·

maybe @Kevin Windrem can help me :)

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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

HDMI dimming is unlikely.

Some HDMI displays will turn off the backlight, some do not. RpiDisplaySetup will help set things up.

If you are new to my mods, you will also need to install SetupHelper

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godnesshimself avatar image godnesshimself commented ·

I don't think I can get this to work.

I have clicked Copied the downloaded file to a USB stick and plugged it into the PI3+.

Then restarted the Venus OS 2x lower reboot.

After that nothing has changed.

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godnesshimself avatar image godnesshimself commented ·

now I am here:


creating package options directory to /data/setupOptions/SetupHelper

This package provides support functions and utilities for Venus modification packages

Packages are automatically reinstalled following a Venus OS update

Packages may also be automatically updated from GitHub

or a USB stick

Previously uninstalled packages can also be installed and configured

as an option from the menu either from GitHub or from a USB stick

If internet access is not available, you can manually update/install from a USB stick or SD card

Available actions:

Install and activate (i)

Uninstall (u) and restores all files to stock

Quit (q) without further action

Display setup log (s) outputs the last 100 lines of the log

Enable/disable automatic GitHub package updates (g)

Manually install packages from GitHub or USB stick (p)

Choose an action from the list above:


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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem godnesshimself commented ·
WIth the venus-data.tar.gz file, you should reboot TWICE then remove the USB stick.

After that you should see the PackageManager menu at the end of Settings.

You should not need to run the SetupHelper setup script as it should already have been run. But running setup won't do any harm.

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godnesshimself avatar image
godnesshimself answered ·

I have the SetupHelper (Package Versions) now at the end of the scroll menu of venos OS.

-> Package Version List = Setup Helper v3.15

-> automatic Git Hub updates = normal

-> waiting to check SetupHelper

How do I get the add ons installed now?

I tried to download RpiDisplaySetup under "Code" as a zip file and put it on a USB stick.

This did not work.

Can someone maybe explain this to me easily?

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·
zip won't work for automatic install. It must be the tar.gz file.
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godnesshimself avatar image godnesshimself Kevin Windrem commented ·

The installation is always the same:

wget -qO - | tar -xzf - -C /data

rm -rf /data/SetupHelper

mv /data/SetupHelper-4.0b31 /data/SetupHelper


Isn't that how you install any addon?

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem godnesshimself commented ·
That will install the beta version of SetupHelper if you want to do that. It is not a released version and may be bugs.

SetupHelper is required to run the RpiDisplaySetup setup script but the released version of SetupHelper should be sufficient.

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godnesshimself avatar image
godnesshimself answered ·

I don't get it installed :(

root@raspberrypi2:~# wget -qO - | tar -xzf - -C /data

root@raspberrypi2:~# ls /data

123SmartBMS-Venus-latest conf packageVersions

GuiMods db rcS.local

RpiDisplaySetup etc reinstallScriptsList

RpiDisplaySetup-current home setupOptions

RpiGpioSetup keys themes

SetupHelper log var

ShutdownMonitor-current lost+found venus

TankRepeater-current packageList

root@raspberrypi2:~# rm -rf /data/RpiDisplaySetup

root@raspberrypi2:~# mv /data/RpiDisplaySetup-current /data/RpiDisplaySetup

root@raspberrypi2:~# /data/RpiDisplaySetup/setup

creating file set for v2.73

ERROR v2.73 no replacement file

ERROR: incomplete file set for v2.73 - can't continue


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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·
That error generally means the indicated file was modified from what was supplied by Victron for that release.
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godnesshimself avatar image godnesshimself Kevin Windrem commented ·

and what can I do now?

You also wrote that RpiDisplaySetup works with Setup Helper 4.0. I had downloaded this but the OS says v3.15

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem godnesshimself commented ·
If you have a backup Venus version listed in Settings/Firmware/Stored firmware, boot to that then REINSTALL the latest release version (should be v2.73). This will replace all the stock files
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godnesshimself avatar image godnesshimself Kevin Windrem commented ·

unfortunately i don't have one. so i will try 2.70 and later update to 2.73

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godnesshimself avatar image godnesshimself Kevin Windrem commented ·

it doesn't work with 2.71

creating package options directory to /data/setupOptions/RpiDisplaySetup

creating file set for v2.71

ERROR v2.71 no replacement file

ERROR: incomplete file set for v2.71 - can't continue


I also tried 2.66. However, this I can not install anything properly :(

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem godnesshimself commented ·
Not sure what is going on. Maybe try removing /data/RpiDisplaySetup and putting a fresh copy from GitHub in it's place.
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godnesshimself avatar image godnesshimself Kevin Windrem commented ·

I tried again. unfortunately does not work :(

Then I can probably only use the PI display. What a bummer. The display is just too small

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godnesshimself avatar image godnesshimself Kevin Windrem commented ·

after I download the packages vom GitHub I got this massage:

elect the package source GitHub (g) or USB (u): g

RpiDisplaySetup not yet installed - proceeding

WARNING: no version for RpiDisplaySetup current installation - proceeding

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem godnesshimself commented ·
That indicates a very old version of RpiDisplaySetup (before I started including a version file) or something got corrupted when putting it in /data. Anyway, just a warning and the setup should have completed.
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godnesshimself avatar image godnesshimself Kevin Windrem commented ·

now I got on the pi3. I installed Venus OS 2.66, after that I installed SetupHelper and after that RipDisplaySetup.

But how I can update on 2.73. search via firmware -> internet don't work :(

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godnesshimself avatar image godnesshimself Kevin Windrem commented ·


PpiDisplay works under 2.66 but not under 2.73

update from 2.66 to 2.73 but also does not work :(

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