
Johan Steenkamp avatar image
Johan Steenkamp asked

Multiplus shuts down when battery is still full


I have a Multiplus inverter which is used for telecoms. The load is very small (200w), and the Multiplus shuts down when my BMV shows 93.6% and the build in SOC shows 94%. My cutt off voltage is 21v (24v system) and the battery sits at 25.2 volts on the BMV and the inverter when it shuts down. Battery capacity is correct, and no relays is used.

If I want to shut the Multiplus off with my BMV how should I connect it, and what assistants should I use. Hope to sort this out, without joining the BMV and Multiplus for the SOC.


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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2 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

please advise on the full model details of the multiplus.

whats the voltage WHEN it shuts down ie just before and just after it shuts down.

also check the voltage AT the Multiplus not just the batteries

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Johannes Boonstra (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Johannes Boonstra (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Make sure AES settings are such that due to the low load the unit doesnt go into power save ( and the load is stopped)

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