
spirare avatar image
spirare asked

Remote L & H pins not working ?



I use the H pin to 12V to turn ON & Off the charger and it worked for a while and now it does not. Shorting L & H does not turn the charger ON either?

  1. Engine Shutdown Detection Override option is OFF so according to section 4.4 of the manual, the charger should turn ON when H pin voltage is above 7V;
  2. Input Voltage Lock-Out function is also Disabled;
  3. Mode is set to Charger

Strangely, when the Output of the charger is disconnected and reconnected, the charger is turned ON regardless of the status of H pins. If 12v is put on H pin, then the charger is turned OFF permanently regardless if H pin voltage is recycled contrary to the normal operation of this remote pin.

It seems that the charger function still works but the remote pins L & H function does not anymore.

Any thoughts anyone?

orion-tr smart
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Assuming the wiring is still OK, I think this is a dealer job.

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