
neil2910 avatar image
neil2910 asked

PV Current is higher than MPPT max input current

Please explain how the "Max Current @ MPP max. temp" is calculated which is causing this Warning in "VE-MPPT-Calc-4.0" calculation?

My PV Module rating as follows:

Pmax = 455W

Voc = 49.85V

Vmp = 41.82

Isc = 11.41A

Imp = 10.88A

I would have thought that the max overall current of MPPT would be Isc x 8 strings = 91.28A, but it's clearly not the case.

According to "VE-MPPT-Calc-4.0", I'm limited to only 6 Parallel strings and then giving a reading "Max Current @ MPP max. temp" of 92.3V


MPPT SmartSolar
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1 Answer
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

Data sheet gives PV input as 70a.


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