I have been having some issue since the last software update on the Cerbo GX. We are currently running the last firmware. What I am seeing is we have two Cerbo GX on their own systems they share a N2K network that the recieve data from both the BMS's. Both Cerbos are connected to there own Quattro's by their VE.Bus connection. On my lower batter bank Cerbo it will run normally for about 24hr and then it seems to dump its Quattro feed and picks up the Upper battery bank Quattro data (I am assuming off the N2K network) and shows its data on its screen and the system shuts down the charge function on the Quattro its plugged into so then the lower battery bank starts to drain. The only way to sync them again is to reset the quattro(that was disconnected) and reboot the lower Cerbo GX. I can also force the lower Quattro to re-sync by turning off N2K out on the upper Cerbo the unit will sync back up to the VE.Bus Quattro. Any help with a fix would be great. Thanks in advance for any answers or help.