I have an MPPT 250/85 wired directly to 2x 12V 100AH “Deep discharge” batteries (i.e.) a 24V system. There are two 2400W inverters connected directly to the batteries.
The solar array is 6x 24V panels in series, two strings in parallel, giving me around 230V.
In order to limit the battery charge current to 0.1C, I selected battery “Max charge current” 10A. (float 27V, Absorbtion 28.8V).
How can I get the full power out of the system (via the inverters) without risking too much current into the batteries during bulk charging.? Do I need a BMV or 8x as many batteries in order to safely set the current to 85A? My purpose is not so much to charge the batteries as to make full use of the solar array by powering the inverters.
I may have already damaged the batteries as they struggle to deliver power for more than a few hours after dark, or I am suffering the problem others have mentioned about short absorbtion times.