
crudfunc avatar image
crudfunc asked

Limitations of API

Hello, I try to build a small app for an client and it looks like the vrm api doesn't allow us to retrieve real-time data, now I ask myself how is the vrm dashboard itself built because it has real-time data, is this only available for vicrton's own dashboard? The overallstats seem to be pretty close to what I want regarding data but it seems to give us only 24h year, month, week, today, I would love to know if there is any way to get more up to date data and if not the overallstats endpoint should also have data for last hour, yesterday and so on like in the real dashboard. I tried to work with timestamps and the stats endpoint but it is never the same result as in the dashboard of vicrtonenergy even if I select the exact same time for example from 20:00 to 21:00.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks

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1 Answer
Fabio De Pascale avatar image
Fabio De Pascale answered ·

I suspect what you are referring to is the non-API part of the dashboard. What I think (I do not work for Victron, nor have access to insider info) is that the dashboard shows realtime information received via MQTT, while it uses the API for time series - eg charts - or in case the MQTT datastream is not available. Essentially, whenever you see "Realtime" in the VRM dashboard "Last updated" field, then MQTT is being used, while the API is used when the "Last Updated" shows a number fo minutes/hours/days ago.

Hope this helps


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