To correctly configure a BMV-712 and Smart Solar 100/50 with Motomaster Eliminator Ultra batteries I tried to configure the settings as far I understood, but as I am not sure how to deal with the ranges being given I would be happy if somebody could have a look and check.
Shall I go lower end, midrange, upper Limit?
Also, would you cutoff heavy load based on SoC or Voltage (@ what values?)
Manufacturers spec says:
Reserve Capacity 409 minutes
AmpHours (@20 hours) 190
Charge/Absorption/Equalize between 13.8-14.6 @25°C
Float/Standby 13.4-13.6 @25°C
The Peukert’s coefficient for this battery is 1.24.
We do not recommend equalization charging for sealed AGM batteries such as this one.
We would recommend a maximum charging current of 60 amps.