
jandaldborg avatar image
jandaldborg asked

Orion TR Smart 12/12 -30

Hi I have a Question regarding charging profile and outcome.

My two Orion 12/12-30 charges two 90 amp SuperB batteries from the starter battery. The out voltage is set to 14,4 V in both Bulk and Absorbtion, but the real voltage on the batteries are only 13,8-13,9 ( Temp on the orion is 25deg) until they are up to 96%.

The bulk phase continues to 97% then goes over to absorbtion and reaches 14,4V. Absorbtion phase delivers 0,3-0,4 amp for a long time until it goes into Float mode after more than a half our in 100% charge.

My question is Why is it only 13,8-13-9 on the batteries, and why it takes so long time until it goes into float mode?

orion-tr smart
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2 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Long absorption is normal and intentional.

Please post all the settings from the Orion.

What are your batteries? AGM/Gel/Lithium?

Where/how are you reading voltages/state of charge

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jandaldborg avatar image
jandaldborg answered ·

Thank you for reply.

The settnings on the Orions are

Boost 14,4V 3 hours

Absorb 14,4V 8 hours

Float 13,8 V

The SuperB batteries are Lithium with internal BMS charged via the Orions from AGM starter. Voltage , current and charge status on the batteries are from the Battery Bluetooth and from the Orions Bluetooth.

The current during boost is approx 26-28 amp/orion until 85% and 24 amp until 90 % all time only 13,8 to13,9 on the batteries.

At 97% it goes into asorb and the current drop to 0,3- 0,7amp nd the voltage rises up to the preset 14,4 V.

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