
pmikep avatar image
pmikep asked

What is the small "click" relay I hear in my Multiplus I?

I have two 24/3000 Multiplus I's in two different rooms. On one of them, after grid power comes back on, and after the large "clunk" relays and the unit is in Inverter/Charger mode for about a minute or two, I hear a small click from inside the Multiplus. Apparently a small relay.

I don't hear such a click on my other Multiplus I. AFAIK, I have set both of them up the same way.

Any suggestions as to what relay this is?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
2 |3000

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1 Answer
pmikep avatar image
pmikep answered ·

Hmm. after reviewing the Service Manual, it appears to be the AC 2 Relay, which engages after 2 minutes after the grid has come on-line.

I suppose the small click must also be present on my other Multiplus. Apparently I have never heard it on that unit.

2 |3000

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