
rene-eesik avatar image
rene-eesik asked

3 x multiplus on one remote

Hi everyone.

Planning a new system and don`t know exactly what is the best option. It`s a trailer that is used on movie shoots on different locations, for wardrobe, hairdresser or actor`s lounge. There might be 3x240VAC or 1x240VAC for "Shore power". Inside there will be climate and vent unit, wall sockets on the left and wall sockets on the right, so no actual need for 3 phase.

I`m planning to use 3 multis, just for distributing the load. I was thinking all three in parallel and external priority swich before one of the multi AC input. But is it ok to feed the multis on 3phase or it will understand that the inputs are not in phase?

Or is it better to make 3 phase system?

I think the best option would be to use them as a separate units, but then I have to control them from different control panels. As it`s basically rental trailer it might be a little bit too tricky to expain how to swich it on and set the shore power limits.

I would like to use Cerbo for contol unit.

Any recommendaton is very welcome.

Thanks in advance


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
2 |3000

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