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0863949357 asked

Lithium ion 100/20

Hello. I have 2 charge controllers in parallel, one for a lead acid battery, one for lithium ion. While in the Bluetooth network , the lithium ion charger uses the voltage from the lead acid battery sensor. Therefore I suspect it is charging the lithium battery according to this voltage, instead of the lithium battery voltage. Does anyone know if this is just a display issue, or is it a component design oversight?

Lithium Battery
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

You should not have the chargers in parallel if they are each charging different battery banks. Each battery bank should have its own charger or it's own group of chargers.
It would be best to remove the chargers from the same VE.Smart network and allow each to charge the battery to which it is connected independently.

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