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w8dev asked

Feature Request - Disable Charging on BlueSmart Charger via bluetooth

I think it would be a great feature to be able to disable charging via the bluetooth app, similar to how you can disable charging from the smart charger.

I use my BlueSmart IP65 charger as a backup to my solar setup and if I go several days without enough sun to recharge the batteries, I just plug in the charger. I would like to leave the charger hooked up but have charging disabled till I actually need it and then I just enable it though the app. The bluetooth module in the BlueSmart charger seems to have a MUCH stronger signal than the SmartShunt or the SmartCharger. I can control it from my house while all the solar gear is in the barn. Would be nice to be able to turn on the charging from the house without having to go out and plug in the charger.

chargerfeature request
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