
robert-dvorak avatar image
robert-dvorak asked

In the victron connect app why is there no readout for wattage available, ie before the smart controller adjusts to battery charge. It would provide me with an idea of what my panels put out in what conditions

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1 Answer
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @Robert Dvorak,

What do you mean with "before the smart controller adjusts to battery charge"?

If there is no charge ie. because the batteries are fully charged, then there is no output from the panels and there is no way to see what the panels are able to produce. It always requires a load and it makes no difference whether the load is connected to the panels directly or via the "smart controller", apart from losses inside the controller, which are marginal due to the high efficiency of the Smart MPPT.

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