
Paul B avatar image
Paul B asked

Quattro 15000 3 phase wih Grid Tie units Problem

The Quattros are now on the latest fw 490

ccgx on 2.73

Have been called to site as the system was down due to a flat battery

Now the issue is that as soon as the grid tie units start to produce power the hz increase to 53 hz and they are thus disconnect.

have tried the ess and the PV assistants but no soluton-

Now the Cause

this setup has a main feed in fault being that 2 phases are down

then the above issue occurs with the grid tie solar systems thus we cant recharge the batteries.

However if all 3 phases are off then it works correctly and the hz is not addjusted and the grid tie then charge the batteries

SO to be clear here

the issue only occurs if all 3 phases are NOT dropped

If one grid phase stays active and the quattro disconnects from the grid as it should - The the grid tie units are turned off by frequency shift all the time

Has anyone else seen this and has anyone got a solution

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
2 |3000

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