
esam avatar image
esam asked

Can the Multiplus 12/3000 be left permanently on to power a 120V fridge

Hi there, I have a Multiplus 3000/12 that I just installed in my van and I am debating whether I should buy a 12V fridge (Expensive) or leverage the Multiplus and buy a decent size 120V fridge (cost effective). The reason I am asking is because I like to know if it is safe to leave the Multiplus on (converting) for 1-3 weeks at times. Thanks

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
2 |3000

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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Yes you can. My little 12/1600 has been on and inverting for over 3 years. Have sufficient solar for battery charging and loads. I think only switched off once to add more battery.

Of course I have monitoring on it so will know if there are issues I may need to attend to. (Never had to though). The system does self recover from low battery conditions if solar is hooked up. And that has happened just once during a few days of rain.

2 |3000

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