
John macrae avatar image
John macrae asked

Cerbo GX Boot Loop

I installed this on the boat a few weeks ago and decided to take it home as I wanted to fir it to my camper van for testing. However, on connecting the power (with nothing else connected) the Cerbo WiFi orange light flashes 40 times and then goes out. After a while it does this again. There is no BT or Wifi activity and I cannot 'see' it on my network if I plug it in.

It seems to be the same behaviour as the Cerbo GX 'dead' after software update (but I didn't do the update!

I have attempted to factory reset but this made no difference

cerbo gx
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1 Answer
John macrae avatar image
John macrae answered ·

Well, as if by magic, it is resolved. I had attempted the factory reset with an old 2gb microSD card (remember those?). I decided to retry with a 16gb card and it worked.

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