
Josep morancho avatar image
Josep morancho asked

SmartSolar mppt Ve.can or

I am planning to update my off-grid installation. I wanr to change my morningstart sunsaver mppt controller and replacing also my gel batteries ny lithium batteries. I would keep my cerbo GX and my multiplus compact 24/1200/25-16.

should I install the SmartSolar VE.Can model or the VE. Direct model? Consider that i am going to have lithium batteries

Do you recommend Tr model or model with MC4 connector?


MPPT SmartSolar
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Josep morancho

Ve can if the mppt is some distance away from the GX device and you intend on having quite a few in the system (they can be daisy chained, so are really designed for larger installs) and VE direct has a max distance of 10m. If distance is not a consideration then usually the ve direct is usually cheaper.

The TR is fine, we have used them on pretty much all our installs as we have combiner boxes. If you buy the mc4 model use all the sets of connectors as they have a current limit.

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Josep morancho avatar image
Josep morancho answered ·

When you say "use all the sets of connectors as they have a current limit.", does this mean that we have to use the mc4 connector provided as part of the mppt device box and we can not use other mc4 connectors bought in the market?

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
On the mc4 model mppt there are several sets of mc4s on the mppt itself (number varying according to the model) if you look at the pictures you will see.

In the technical specifications you will see the limit is 30A. I have seen guys melt them connecting all strings to one pair. Just a friendly warning.

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