
Josep morancho avatar image
Josep morancho asked

SmartSolar 250/60 or 2 x SmartSolar 150/35?

I have to upgrade my solar off-grid installation. I am thnking to replace my morningstar regulator by a SmartSolar mppt regulator.

I will have initially 2 solar panels (450w with 144 cells each) in serial configuration. The panel array will provide 98V voltage in open circuit and 11A but in the future most probably i will add 2 more solar panels.

Is it better to buy a SmartSolar 250//60 to cover future. expansion by moving in the future to 1 array of 4 panels in serial configuration, or buy now a 150/35 and later another SmartSolar 150/35 for the second array of 2 panels in serial configuration and daysi chain both mppt regulators?


MPPT SmartSolar
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

I guess your initial setup will be serial on the panels.

You shouldn't daisy chain MPPTs. They're not designed that way. But the outputs can be connected in parallel.

Main advantage of the big single controller setup is lower input current, but the voltage needs a lot more care.

But by going to a dual system, if you cannot get similar panels when you upgrade, the new panels go on the new controller, so no issues. There's also the advantage that if a controller fails, you still have one working.

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