
knauer avatar image
knauer asked

Output from smartshunt on MPPT 100/50

I have a MPPT 100/50 connected via serial output to an self made logger to log the parameters.

What I'm missing is the current from/to the battery. Of course I only get the current from the MPPT to the battery.

So I thought, I'd install an SmartShunt and connect it via Bluetooth VE.Smart Networking to the MPPT.

Can I get the measured current from the SmartShunt also out of the data of the output from MPPT?

(I'd rather not make an own cable from the SmartShunt to my logger and occupy another input at the logger.)

MPPT ControllersSmartShunt
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1 Answer
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

No the data from the shunt won't appear in the VE direct data from the MPPT. you will need to add another vedirect cable / interface for the shunt.

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