
Vangelis Beligiannis avatar image
Vangelis Beligiannis asked

Using 3 smart meters in an ESS system with a PV inverter in AC in

I am planning a three phase system that will look like the diagramm attached.

The difference is that I am going to use only one PV inverter in AC-in and use a tranfer switch to connect him to the AC Out when the grid fails.

The reason has to do with local grid regulations.

So this is the question. I need a smart meter to measure the grid anyway.

My opinion is that I also need a smart meter on the cable of the ACin pv connection and one smart meter on the cable of the ACout PV connection.

This way the system will count the energy from the PV inverter depending on the location of the tranfer switch.

Will this work?

I have a Fronius pv inverter but if I declare him in the ESS on Ac in or AC out, when the tranfer switch changes position it will confuse the system.


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