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bslbatt-battery asked

Victron inverter and BSLBATT Powerwall battery installation share!

I wanted to share a home battery solar system that our Powerwall battery dealer recently installed, and I simply love the design!

The installation includes the following components:

1x #Victron Energy Quattro 48v 8 kvA

1x Fronius Primo 8.2-1 8kW (AC Coupled on AC out)

10 x IBC Solar Monocrystalline OS9-HC (365w) – East-facing

10 x IBC Solar Monocrystalline OS9-HC (365w) – West facing

2 x #BSLBATT Power Wall LiFePO4 #10.2kWh 48v

Great work from Spinnacle Power!

More information about BSLBATT Powerwall battery


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger48v batterypowerwall
2 |3000

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
@bslbatt-battery Any chance you can help resolve the firmware issues with your new 160AH battery? As a new BSL client it hasn't been the smoothest experience.
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bslbatt-battery avatar image bslbatt-battery nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

Can you send specific questions to our website? I will feed him back to our technical department!

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