
PeterM avatar image
PeterM asked

Combining managed and unmanaged Lithium Cells

Any thoughts on combining a managed LFP battery with an unmanaged one with a multiplus? I don't see any reason why it will not work satisfactorily ? Any thoughts .

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Do you mean with no BMS / ability to balance and protect itself, or no comms with the system?

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PeterM avatar image PeterM Alexandra ♦ commented ·
No , Both with BMS , Managed has a CanBus that interfaces to GX device , unmanaged not
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ PeterM commented ·

Grey area for sure. I suppose it depends on the system. I am assuming here all the relative voltages are the same for both packs and the charge and discharge capabilities. So technically should be ok.

SOC would be interesting, you would probably have to use a different source than the can managed. Pack resistances would make current sharing interesting, but even with same brand installs it is always a little different.

Some packs cannot be paralleled because of bms issues so maybe don't/ shouldn't be connect to one another. I cant say for sure there though with your specific setup, never tried it.

If you decide to try, I would be interested in the performance and results.

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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Is it a supported and tested configuration? Nope.

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