A little over one month ago I installed Pylontech US2000C batteries in my system. All was well for 3 weeks and then 2 weeks ago the first Internal Error appeared.
Having scoured the internet and following the advice from Victrons own documentation I lowered the DVCC Maximum voltage to 51.2 (15 x the voltage of the lowest cell voltage seen in the remote console)
I could see in the VRM Portal that there were multiple spikes in the Min/Max Cell Voltage's when there was no corresponding spikes in the AC Load (perhaps someone from Victron or Pylontech whould care to eloborate on that)
Over time the number of spikes diminished, until yesterday when they were back and today, once again, an Internal Error Alarm happened.
Looking at the data from the VRM Portal I can see that the spikes only happen when the cell voltages reaches 3.27 and the alarm happens when the Max cell voltage hits 3.89, a difference of 0.62 volts. This behaviour has been consistant for all of the alarms, to date there have been 12 of them in a 2 week period.
I am now somewhat at a loss as to what can be done to mitigate this problem.
Screenshot 2021-11-18 095632.jpg