
mrchuck avatar image
mrchuck asked

IP67: Trickle charge starter battery for a standby generator

I've recently purchased an IP67 for keeping the starter battery on our standby generator topped up. This has become an issue because the generator control unit has a enough current draw when not in use to flatten the battery after 1-2 weeks. Over summer, when the genny usually doesn't run, this is a pest.

Our setup here is an offgrid solar plant controlled by a Selectron inverter. This has all been running fine since 2009. What is new is the standby generator which also has to run an olive press four months per year, so it is greatly oversized the rest of the time. This is intentional since I didn't want to have two generators.

What I need is to be able leave the charger for the generator starter battery connected and unattended 100% of the time. Please note, this has nothing to do with the storage battery bank for the premises, only for the lead-acid starter battery in the genny.

What I do not need is to have to change modes on the charger all the time, which is impossible anyway if we're not here. The distributor doubts I can do this with the IP67--in which case I may have the wrong product.

What has to happen is that the charger will take care of the starter battery when the genny is not running, and basically step aside when it is and the genny's alternator is charging the starter battery. This has to be without risk of damage to the charger, the battery, or the generator.

Do I have the right charger for this?

orion-tr smart
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

IP 67 is, I assume, fed by your inverter from storage.

Will work, once starter battery charged, it switched automatically to float, which is trivkle charge.

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