
pavel avatar image
pavel asked

selection of the Orion-Tr Smart DC-DC Charger depending on the alternator ratings

Hi everyone

the outboard in my boat is equipped with an 18 A alternator and a starting battery (agm). I intend to use the Orion tr-smart charger 12/12 18 A for charging another battery (also agm) from the same source of power.

My question is : what could be the potential effect of using mentioned device on an 18 amp alternator? Will it have any negative effect ? will it shortening alternator lifespan?

Is there any rule in choosing this device with corelation to the power of the alternator?

regards Pavel

orion-tr smart
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1 Answer
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

you could overload the alternator. If the starter battery is low, it will take all of the 18A initially, and also a couple of amps will be drawn by other circuits. It would be best to limit your aux charging to 50% of the alternator capacity.

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