I have a Rpi 3 B+ running Venus OS 2.66 running on a houseboat connected to a Battery Monitor. Works great most of the time. I've had some situations though where things would stop talking I suspect due to my cell connection going away. I'd like to use the Venus auto 'reboot when no connect feature'. Unfortunately when I enable this and then reboot the RPi (using a 'shutdown now' command from an ssh session to the RPi), when the RPi reboots the date displayed is about 5 days old. This triggers the auto reboot in Venus before the RPi has a chance to sync date/time with the internet. Is there any way to insert a sleep in front of the auto reboot watchdog feature so that after a reboot the RPi will have a chance to sync time/date before the auto reboot kicks off again? Not quite sure why the RPi comes up from a warm boot with the clock 5 days off but it seems to be consistent.