
dinogebiss avatar image
dinogebiss asked

Orion Smart 12/12-30 detect the external charge current as the altenator current.

I have built an Orion Smart 12 / 12-30 (B2B Charger) into my Camper RV. When I turn on the external AC charger, the Orion Booster detects the external charging voltage as an alternator load voltage. I am assumed that the Orion Smart has a vibration sensor to clearly identify the alternator voltage from the external charge current. All other structures, such as parallel connection and charging of the starters and consumer battery work properly.

orion-tr smart
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5 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Never heard of them having a vibration sensor. The manuals simply say voltage controlled. The on off points you can set. If you have an external charger on the battery you're charging, this may be charging at a high enough voltage to make the Orion cut out.

What are you trying to do? And what is the problem?

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dinogebiss avatar image
dinogebiss answered ·

The external charger (220 /12V ) has a absorption current over 14,6V ( float 13,2V) The ORION Smart booster ist set to the "on point 14,0v switch therefor in the charge mode (green LED flash 1,25Hz) and gets warm. But anyway...both battery`s (starter and consumer) are get charged as it should.

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

So no problem?

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dinogebiss avatar image
dinogebiss answered ·

Only the fact, that the ORION DC/DC charger gets very warm and burns therefore a quit lot of energy.

For that reason I take now the "switch on bridge" out of the ORION charger , when I charge the system with the external AC/DC-charger.

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

There are quite a few posts on Orions getting hot. And there's a warning in the manual that it's normal and they should be installed on a fireproof mounting. If you look there are quite a few threads about it as well. There was a hardware fix for some models, but if yours is new, should be in already.

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