
André Vorster avatar image
André Vorster asked

Multiplus2 low AC output frequency.


While browsing through my recently installed 48/5000 Multiplus 2 (230V50hz) stats on VRM I noticed that the AC output frequency is low and out of spec.

The installation is a stand alone installation and the inverter supplies my home with power during grid power outages via a change over switch.

The output frequency is low from switch on with new and fully charged batteries, through varying loads.

Has anyone had a similar issue.

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3 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


This happens sometimes when there is a mixup in wiring somewhere.

Especially if there is a neutral issue. Or the inverter is feeding back into itself somehow.

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Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

More info is needed here. The multi plus looks like its been outputting 50Hz fine

However if you connect to the mains or a generator the the unit will change to match the incoming frequency and then if its two low or high it will then disconnect from the mains/grid and start inverting again, please show the incoming vrm AC graph for the same time period,

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André Vorster avatar image André Vorster commented ·

Hi Paul thank for your reply please find comparison.multi-in-out-comparison.png

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André Vorster avatar image
André Vorster answered ·

Thank you for your replies and assistance. Herewith input verses output snapshot. Regards.multi-in-out-comparison.png

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