I have a four battery Narada serial battery string giving 24V, which is 11 months old.
I want to add four more batteries to the string to make it a 48V setup.
Someone told me you should not mix old batteries with new ones.
(But, how do you define an "old" battery ? Does one or two cycles make it "old" ?)
I don't want to sell the existing batteries and buy 8 new ones, I only want to buy 4 more.
Does anyone have any advice for me ?
However, my existing batteries are still fairly new, and have only undergone, I guess about this history of discharge:
200 days at 15% DoD
50 days at 30% DoD
50 days at 50% DoD
30 days at 75% DoD
My feeling is that my existing batteries are quite close in condition to new batteries, and so adding another 4 new ones will not disturb them all too much.
ALSO, if I equalise the "old" batteries before I add the new ones, will that help ?