I would like to add 600 watts of solar and completely upgrade the charging system on a 45' sailboat , We currently have 3 12V AGM battery banks on board (210 AH for the bow thruster, 420 AH for the house, 105 AH for the engine ) We would like to build in the option to for a drop in upgrade to LiFePo4 for the house bank in the future
I am looking for an AC charger and solar controller that are able synchronize charging with each other and also a Wakespeed Ws500 regulator coupled to a 160 amp alternator .
Would I be correct in assuming that that I could use a Smart Solar 150/70 VE.Can MPPT controller and a Skylla 12/70 (3) charger to achieve this ?
I will also be adding a BMV-712 And an ARGOfet battery isolator to the system
assuming this is the correct setup would I need any other parts to make it all work together ?
Thanks for the help