New marine install...
Can't get VEConfig to show "Virtual Switch" or "Assistant" tabs...
2 Quattro 24/5000/120-2x100 120V (Two units configured as split-phase) Firmware 487 (Input 1 Shore Power --- Input 2 Generator)
Cerbo GX Firmware 2.73
Multi Control
50 Touch Display
3 SmartSolar 100/20 48V Firmware 1.59
4 Orion TS Chargers Firmware 1.06 (Charging AGM Batteries)
8 Lithium 12V 270A batteries
I wish to activate the 4 Orion Chargers whenever the Quattros have incoming AC power using the Quattros Relays
Additionally, I'd like to activate the generator any time battery voltage is less than (some predifined) voltage.
Any help would be greatly appreciated...Scott