
lc10w avatar image
lc10w asked

Lithium charge settings?

Installed an Easysolar, and in the midst of setting it up for the lithium batteries, which have a charge voltage of 14.4V and a nominal charged/rested voltage of 13.3V. The Easysolar has a Multiplus and a MPPT inside.

From what I have gleened from here, the manuals and elsewhere on the net, the Multiplus voltages should be matched to the battery - absorption 14.4 and the float 13.3, rebulk -0.2, fixed absorption, absorption time 2hrs, no tail and no equalisation. 'Lithium batteries' mode enabled.

What should the bulk-finished percentage be on the Multiplus (default 85%)? Should this be adjusted? I thought with lithium, it's a bulk charge almost to the last.

What should the MPPT voltages and settings be set at? The same? Or slightly higher - I read that is needed to raise the bulk-finished on the Multiplus?

My brain is about to fry, and I don't want to ruin my batteries due to my lack of knowledge on the subject. Any advise is greatly received.

Thanks, Brad

Lithium Battery
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1 Answer
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

You need to allow a -50mV on max battery settings, and a bulk finish voltage a little below this. Float voltage should be ~ 100mV less than battery max. For minimum voltages at least 50mV above the battery minimum should be used. MPPT should be set to the same voltages as the multiplus. I've found that with my easysolar, the multiplus soc indication does not record any charge from the MPPT, so essentially should be ignored. Just to work on the battery voltage. This makes the soc at end of bulk setting irrelevant, and can be left as is.

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