
bluewally avatar image
bluewally asked

How to connect a Phoenix Inverter Smart 48/3000 in parallel?


I want to add a Phoenix Inverter smart 48/3000 to the already existing one same model. Is it possible to place these inverters in parallel? Can any on show a diagram for placing them in parallel?

Are there challenges with firmware?

Do I need more safety fuses?


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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

As far as I know the newer Smart Phoenix can't be paralleled. They only have and not VE.bus.

From the datasheet:


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bluewally avatar image
bluewally answered ·

Thanks Mattias, that is a bummer as we need more power in the house. Any suggestions? A seprate system with second battery bank. I do have two solar panels setups and two battery chargers. Is it ok then to feed the house from two inveters (same model but still two.)? Thanks.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
As long as they are not connected on the AC output this it should work.

I think I would connect them to the same battery.

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