
info-6 avatar image
info-6 asked

Bluetooth with Venus Firmware 2.80-24

Hi there @ all,

I#ve installe the above firmware on a CERBO GX and can see that there is a menue item for Bluetooth.

If I enable it and looking under I/O for Bluetooth sensors, it only shows me the menue item "Enabled" but it obviously does not detect any sensors, such a from SmartSolar or others.
Is there a list available which sensors may be detected?

Or do I expect too much? :-)

Pleased to read something here



cerbo gx
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3 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

2.80 is beta firmware, so you won't get support for that in this forum.

All the information is documented in the release notes on the modifications forum.

I don't believe that feature is designed to work in the way you are thinking, so please start by reading the documentation.

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info-6 avatar image
info-6 answered ·

Thanks for swift reply.

I have installed it for testing since I read in another forum that it works with Ruuvitag wireless sensors. So I thought that it may works also with other Bluetooth devices :-)



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synikster avatar image
synikster answered ·

Any updates on this? Any sensor other then the RUUVITAG works?

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