
farzad-k avatar image
farzad-k asked

DC-DC Charging of a Battery Being Used to Power a Cooler

Hello. On road trips I take a 12v 4A DC cooler along and I power it with 12v accessory port of my car. The problem is that when I stop the car to do things the power is disconnected and the cooler will stop cooling or maintaining required temperature. I am considering a12v 35Ah battery dedicated to the cooler, and the Orion-Tr to continually charge the dedicated battery while the Orion is being powered from the 12v/10A accessory port instead of supplying power to the Orion from the alternator as it seems it is designed for. Will the Orion-Tr work if powered from 12v accessory port? And will it charge a 12v 35Ah battery that is simultaneously powering a 12v 4A load? Which is more suitable, the 12-12 18 or the 12-24 10 considering the battery is a 12v Lead acid deep cycle or a 12v LiFePo.

Thanks in advance.


orion-tr smart
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Check the continuous load rating of your accessory port first. And how long will you drive compared to park up time?

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