
lynhnn avatar image
lynhnn asked

Quattros 3000 inside a cabinet/enclosure to reduce noise

My load is under 2kwh and the inverter fan is making noise. I plan to place it inside a cabinet with extra insulation wall similar to a noise isolate enclosure. What would be recommended for adequate ventilation? The place is mostly at room temperature. Any other noise-cancellation methods ?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
2 |3000

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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


As long as you have good space around the unit as recommended and the cabinet is well ventilated you should be fine. While your ambient is 'room temperature', am assuming you mean around 25°C, dont forget the unit itself generates its own heat when charging and inverting and that can kead to derating if it cannot move the hot air away from itself.

2 |3000

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