
frownedupone avatar image
frownedupone asked

Orion TR Smart 12/12-30A stopped charging - shows wrong input voltage

Was working fine until today. Now it shows input voltage in the app as constant 12.1V and won't charge, while the actual voltage measured with multimeter is 12.6v with engine off and 14.4 witch engine running. If I disable the Engine shutdown detection and input voltage lock-out in the app the unit starts charging again, but it will obviously drain the starter battery when the engine is not running.

Edit: So I don't know what caused this but it works now and shows correct voltage after disconnecting power for a few minutes.

orion-tr smart
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4 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Connection problem?

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imthebatman avatar image
imthebatman answered ·

Hi. Is have the same issue On a VW T6.1. Disconnecting the starter battery And reconnecting fixed the issue but only temporarily. It’s happened numerous times since. I don’t have and engine run signal connected. Just relying on the engine shutdown algorithm. Seems to me to be a software issue.

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rhinopkc avatar image
rhinopkc answered ·

Did you ever fix this? I have the same issue.

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safereturndoubtful avatar image
safereturndoubtful answered ·

I’m also keen to know as have the same problem. Was it software? Has anyone managed to resolve it permanently?

In addition, when the output greater than the input due to the same issue it disables the solar, dropping the charge to zero.

Any help greatly appreciated.

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