
jochenv avatar image
jochenv asked

Quattro 3000/24 shuts down without obvious cause

my Quattro 3000/24 just shut down with a load around 700W apparently due to overheating. This has happened before but there doesn´t seem to be any regularity. The only reproducible error is that it shuts down when charging with more than 6A (230V) after about one hour. This inverter shutdown doesn't seem to make any sense because it doesn't occur when the load is 2000W over 20 minutes. Is there any chance it might be something I can fix myself?

Can anyone tell me where I can find the temperature sensor that seems to produce this error?

Thanks a lot:-)

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Some more info as to why you say its a temp overload I presume its because the red temp light is on but what are the other lights doing - some pictures can help. is the unit connected to a GX device and is this connected to the internet and thus the vrm also can the unit supply its full 3000va output .

have you got week AC turned on in the internal settings when using VE configure.

also try adding a fan under the unit to increase air flow as the current fan may not be going at its normal speed or something

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