
coreyzev avatar image
coreyzev asked

Has anyone tried to connect a Lynx Distributor directly to Venus OS?

I'm assuming they're all just variations on VEDirect, right? Power the Lynx w/ 5V externally, and then use the remaining 2 cables for TX & RX. I'm just not sure if an RPi w/ Venus OS is equipped to do anything with that information.

It's REALLY a shame that literal life saving data is restricted to a forced purchase of another $300+ device just for communication. I am using a SmartShunt & a RPi w/ Venus OS. I would really like to be notified if one of my fuses blow.

Venus OSRaspberry PiVE.Directfuseslynx shunt
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1 Answer
mats avatar image
mats answered ·

I'm also interested in this. For my scenario I have a very limited use for a lynx smart or BMS but it would be nice to have the distributors working

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Related Resources

Victron Venus OS Open Source intro page

Venus OS GitHub (please do not post to this)

Lynx Shunt VE Can online manual

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

Raspberry Pi running Victron’s Venus firmware - Blog Post

Venus OS Large image: Signal K and Node-RED - Install

raspberrypi install venus image

Fuses & fuse holders Product Page.

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

VE.Direct protocol FAQ