
arvo-paukkunen avatar image
arvo-paukkunen asked

Can I connect to vrm with 2 Cerbo boxes in one LAN

I have a 2 installations of off grid systems and both have a Cerbo of they own. They seem to be same tcp / port while they are with separate ip. The router wan is static and sigle ip. Can I have Cerbo to run on custom ports? One in 80(default) and another in - let say 81 ? it would be much easier to configure on my RUT955 router that way.

cerbo gx
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1 Answer
shaneyake avatar image
shaneyake answered ·

A Cerbo does not need any port forwarding or routes to be setup. Just needs internet access. You can access the remote console via VRM. VRM has it's own proxy back into the GX. Just make sure you enable 2 way VRM coms. I would not recommend that you port forward to a GX from the public internet.

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arvo-paukkunen avatar image arvo-paukkunen commented ·

I’m seeking the way to connect both of my systems cerbos to vrm, and since they are both exposed with same wan ip, and there for I have an ip port conflict when two cerbos seem to be with 1 ip and in a port 80. how can I solve that when NAT routes them to their own LAN ip s?

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eliott avatar image eliott arvo-paukkunen commented ·
There is no conflict. No ports are required to be open on the WAN side of the router. For two-way communications and remote screen on the VRM ,the TCP connection is initiated from the Cerbo side. I don't see any reason why it shouldn't work.
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shaneyake avatar image shaneyake arvo-paukkunen commented ·
As Eliott said, the Cerbo will create outbound connections to VRM. There is no port conflict and there is no need to add any NAT rules. All the cerbo needs is access to the internet.

As I said in my previous post, you should not expose the Cerbo to the public internet. It should not be accessible from outside of the LAN. The Cerbo will setup a proxy with VRM which will allow you to access the remote console this is a much more secure way to do it.

Also if you are trying to punch holes in your firewall/NAT you can use diffrent ports on the NAT and have it forward to diffrent internal IP addresses. The cerbo won't see that use used port 81 on the NAT since the router will change it to port 80 when it goes through the NAT. But again this is not the correct way to do this and exposing VNC to the web isn't a great idea.

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arvo-paukkunen avatar image arvo-paukkunen commented ·
i made it more simple by setting up a new dedicated router just for vrm + cerbo. there is nothing else in that LAN network segment. cerbo connects to LAN with internet. that is just fine, but as,soon as I try to register a new installation in vrm, it says that all admins are notified by email. the email newer reach me… it does not work. I do have another installation in vrm and with that I didn t have any issues… what I’m doing wrong here?
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shaneyake avatar image shaneyake arvo-paukkunen commented ·
How are you trying to add the Cerbo to your account? Did you login to VRM and click add installation, then entered the VRM Portal id and hit request access?

It should only say admins have been notified if the cerbo was already registered.

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arvo-paukkunen avatar image arvo-paukkunen shaneyake commented ·
Yes, that's what I did. And I never get the approval request - I supposed I should get that? I Can't remember how thee process went thru when I did the first installation...
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arvo-paukkunen avatar image arvo-paukkunen shaneyake commented ·
Should I try offline installation by downloading the GX file and then uploading it to vrm? I suppose that's one valid option - as well ...
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